Straighten Your Teeth With Braces

Las Vegas Braces help straighten crooked teeth, creating a more confident smile. They also reduce the risk of uneven wear and tear on specific teeth, reducing the risk of future dental problems.

The brackets and archwire work together to apply the proper pressure to the teeth to move them. Ligature elastics, or rubber bands, keep the archwire firmly in the bracket slots.

Improved Oral Hygiene


When teeth are crooked, it is easier for food particles to hide in hard-to-reach spaces, leading to plaque buildup and a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Straightening the bite and addressing other dental misalignments with braces reduces these risks.

A well-aligned bite distributes pressure evenly across the jaw, reducing unnecessary wear on teeth and decreasing the chances of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. This also helps reduce stress on the chewing muscles and alleviate jaw pain and discomfort.

Straighter teeth are easier to brush and floss. This not only leads to better oral hygiene, but can help prevent plaque build-up and staining, which are common problems associated with crooked teeth. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, and patients should have access to tools like Oral-B electric toothbrush heads that are designed for braces, Oral-B threader floss that can maneuver between the wires of the brackets, and Crest toothpastes that kill germs in tight spaces between teeth.

It is also important to avoid sticky foods, such as licorice, taffy, and bagels, and crunchy or hard foods like popcorn and peanuts, which can get stuck in the wires of braces and pull them loose. Patients should also be sure to schedule regular appointments with their orthodontist for routine cleanings and checkups to keep their smile healthy during the treatment period.

If a wire or bracket becomes irritated, patients should use a small amount of wax to cover the area and ease discomfort. It is also a good idea to save any broken pieces of bracket or wire, and to call the clinic for an appointment as soon as possible. This will allow the orthodontist to ensure that the problem is addressed quickly, avoiding any issues with the alignment of the teeth or bite. This is important, as it can lead to longer treatment times if left untreated. The more regularly these appointments are scheduled, the faster patients can reach their goal of a straighter, healthier smile!

Reduced Risk of Gum Disease

Misaligned teeth are more likely to retain bacterial plaque that can lead to gum disease. When left unaddressed, gum disease can spread to the bone and soft tissues that support your teeth, increasing your risk of tooth loss and other serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. Braces help to align your bite, reducing the pressure on your teeth and jaw joints that can cause these symptoms.

Crowded or crooked teeth can have crevices that are difficult to clean, making them more susceptible to plaque and tartar buildup. When brushing and flossing are done properly, these deposits can be removed, lowering your risk of gum disease and cavities. When your teeth are correctly aligned, they are also easier to chew, allowing you to digest foods more effectively.

Improper bites can put excessive stress on your jaw bones, leading to temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). When you wear braces, these issues are less likely to develop as the teeth move into their correct positions.

Braces also improve your ability to pronounce certain sounds, resulting in clearer and more enunciated speech. This benefit can be especially helpful if you work in a profession that requires public speaking or a career in the medical field.

If you are suffering from a broken bracket or band, it is important to call your orthodontist right away. Don’t try to fix the problem yourself, as this could damage your teeth or make them shift in the wrong direction. It is also a good idea to save any pieces of your bracket or bands that come loose so you can bring them with you when you see your orthodontist. During your appointment, the orthodontist can replace the loose piece and ensure that all of your braces are in their proper place. This helps to maintain the quality of your smile throughout treatment. Moreover, it is an important step in ensuring that you get the best results from your orthodontic process. Your orthodontist will assess your teeth, bone structure and jaw for the best possible treatment outcomes. During this visit, your orthodontist will also give you detailed instructions on how to care for your teeth while they are being straightened.

Increased Self-Esteem

A straight smile is a confidence booster for people of all ages. Those with crooked teeth often have low self-esteem and can struggle to socialize. However, when they get braces and see their crooked teeth straighten out, they usually feel better about themselves. This can have a positive impact on their life in both personal and professional ways for decades to come.

A good orthodontist will work with their patients to create a treatment plan that is most appropriate for their needs and goals. They may recommend traditional metal braces or lingual braces that are placed on the inside of the teeth so they cannot be seen from the outside. In addition, some orthodontists use clear ceramic braces which are less noticeable than traditional metal braces. These types of braces are typically more expensive than traditional metal ones, but they can be more effective at moving teeth into position.

One of the most important things that you can do when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment is to surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals. This will help you keep your mind off of any discomfort or insecurities that you may be experiencing and allow you to embrace this transformative journey.

Another benefit of having a straighter smile is that it is easier to care for and will reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities. This is because crowded teeth tend to hide places where toothbrush bristles cannot reach, which can lead to more plaque buildup and a higher risk of dental problems in the future.

When you have a straight smile, it is also easier to speak clearly and avoid tongue-related issues such as lisps. A bad lisp can be extremely embarrassing, especially in social situations. This is why it is essential to practice speaking out loud and with a mirror before you get your braces on.

They can schedule your consultation with one of their in-house orthodontists. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the different treatment options available and how they can help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.

Improved Speech

Having braces can actually make it easier to speak clearly. This is because orthodontic treatment helps to correct misaligned teeth and jaws, which can create problems with articulation such as lisps or difficulty pronouncing certain consonants. Additionally, a malocclusion can put too much pressure on the jaw joints, causing pain and potentially leading to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Correcting these issues with braces alleviates this pressure and improves overall chewing efficiency.

Orthodontic treatment also makes it easier to pronounce affricate and fricative consonants, which are harder for the tongue to produce than vowels. This can be especially helpful for people who stutter, as it can help them feel more comfortable speaking in front of others and may lead to improved confidence in their speech skills.

Some people who get braces may notice that their speech is slurred temporarily, especially when they first receive them or when there is any swelling or irritation in the mouth. However, this is a completely normal part of the adjustment process and should resolve itself once the mouth and tongue become accustomed to the presence of the appliances.

In addition, many people who have a speech impediment find that they are able to overcome this hurdle with the help of a professional speech therapy program. The therapist can teach you exercises that will help strengthen your tongue muscles to move more freely within the mouth and make it easier for you to pronounce sounds correctly.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of straightening your smile with braces, schedule a consultation with your local orthodontist today! Your oral health and self-esteem will thank you for making this worthwhile investment in your smile. For patients who already have braces, it is important to maintain regular visits to your dentist to ensure that the appliances are working properly.